Arthritis in Horses

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Published:May 26, 2022
Arthritis in Horses

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What is Arthritis in Horses?

Osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease, is a very common condition in horses of all ages and disciplines. Arthritis is the swelling or inflammation of a joint. Over time, if this condition becomes chronic, it can lead to damage and deterioration of the surrounding soft tissues, cartilage, and bone. This is a non-reversible and progressive disease process that is encountered more nowadays as horse lifespans are lengthening with quality healthcare. While there is no cure, there are many approaches to management that can help keep horses comfortable.

Symptoms of Arthritis in Horses

Horses may be experiencing arthritis if they exhibit any of the following signs:

  • Stiffness

  • Swelling or heat around joints

  • Pain orlameness

  • “弹出”或开裂的声音movement

Causes of Arthritis in Horses

Arthritis can occur at any age, although older horses with long or athletic careers may be more prone due to heavier wear and tear on the joints. These horses are also more prone to trauma to or near a joint, which can encourage bony proliferation in the area. This leads to damage or compression of the joint capsule, and excessive force on the cartilage over time.

Poor conformation, such as upright hocks, can also predispose certain joints to develop osteoarthritis, from repeat compression and concussion.

Acuteorsepticarthritis can occur if an infection gets inside a joint capsule. This can be secondary to a puncture wound into a joint. Young foals can also get septic joints if they are very sick. High numbers of bacteria and white blood cells circulate through the entire body and take up residence in the joints. These joints will suddenly become very large, warm, and the foal may become non-weight-bearing on that limb.

How Veterinarians Diagnose Arthritis in Horses

If your horse seems sore or painful during exercise or warm-up, your veterinarian can perform a thoroughlamenessexam. This will include watching your horse walk, trot, and canter for a baseline, then performflexed examinations. Flexed exams put a bit of stress on the joint of interest, and if the horse comes off limping, that indicates the joint is an area of pain/discomfort. Your vet may then perform a nerve or joint block to numb that area. If your horse then moves soundly, that confirms that area is what’s causing the lameness.

Once an area of concern is identified, your veterinarian will likely take radiographs of the joint to evaluate the level of involvement and bony changes present. In complex cases, advanced imaging such as MRI may be required.

Treatment of Arthritis in Horses

While there is no cure for this degenerative disease process, there are many ways to manage pain and lengthen the athletic career of your horse. In most cases, a multi-modal approach works best.

  • Daily exercisewill help keep your horse active and comfortable. Being stall bound often increases stiffness.

  • Daily anti-inflammatories(NSAIDs) such asEquioxxcan be used long-term, whereas phenylbutazone can be used in acute situations or before more uncomfortable situations.

  • Intraarticular steroidsor synthetic joint supplements may be given such as hyaluronic acid, or biologics such as PRP, IRAP, Prostride, and stem cells.

  • Systemic joint injectable supportmay be given such asAdequan®or Legend.

  • Oral joint supplementsmay be used such asCosequinorLubrisyn®.

  • Alternative modalitiessuch as shockwave, acupuncture, PEMF, and chiropractic work may help.

  • In some cases,surgical or chemical fusion of jointsmay be recommended to speed up the arthritic process, as fusion is the most painful part for horses. Once the joint has fused, motion may be limited, but there is less pain associated.

Recovery and Management of Arthritis in Horses

In acute or septic arthritis cases, repeat joint flushes and systemic antibiotics will help clear the infection and hopefully prevent long-term joint damage.

A daily exercise regimen tailored for your horse, if they’re comfortable, will help promote joint mobility. For horses still in work—long, thorough warm-up and cool-down sessions are very important to prevent discomfort during exercise.Carrot stretchingis a great way to help manage your horse's arthritis.

Regular examinations with your veterinarian will help evolve your horse’s arthritic maintenance as they continue to work and age. As the disease progresses, treatment will likely become more involved and intense to manage worsening changes and help your horse maintain their workload.

Prevention of Arthritis in Horses

你的马在一个适当的修剪/修蹄原理图吗edule. If there are any congenital or conformational abnormalities to the hoof shape or growth, they need to be managed therapeutically. Any problem with the foot can travel up the limb and cause secondary stress on other joints.

Arthritis supplements can help promote healthy joint fluid and protect joint cartilage before damage starts to occur, prolonging the life of the joints.

Avoid overuse and excessively hard, demanding work for your horse. This will also improve the longevity of your horse’s career.

Arthritis in Horses FAQs

What are the signs of arthritis in horses?

Common signs include being stiff at the beginning of a workout, swelling, heat around the joints, or pain/lameness.

What can you give a horse for arthritis?

Joint supplements such asCosequinandLubrisynhelp promote healthy joint fluid. Your veterinarian may also prescribe a daily anti-inflammatory such asEquioxx.

Can a horse with arthritis still be ridden?

Yes! If the arthritis is not debilitating or painful, controlled exercise can actually be healthy for your horse. In addition to some of the above treatment approaches, a long-warm up and cool-down will help promote joint mobility. Always discuss appropriate workout programs with your veterinarian when being evaluated for arthritis.

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